Supporting the development of a quality early childhood care and education sector

for Kilkenny County Childcare Committee


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Kilkenny County Childcare Committee's goal is to support the development of a quality early childhood care and education sector throughout Kilkenny City and County. In order to fulfil their remit they needed a web presence that functioned as a service to both parents and professionals working in the sector. Parents needed a portal to easily find and connect with childcare services throughout the county.


We carried out a workshop with Kilkenny County Childcare Committee to determine the needs of their market and define their problems, and from there developed a site map and decided on the essential requirements for parents and professionals. A major discovery was that parents would best be served by a searchable database of childcare providers. An events calendar was also required for professionals to be aware of upcoming conferences and training opportunities. A section was needed to alert workers to careers opportunities.


We built and launched a fully-responsive website that allows parents to easily find childcare services, with a search function right on the homepage, and enables professionals to locate essential resources and career opportunities without hassle. User numbers grew exponentially as their needs were met.